International Women’s Day should be a day when we respectfully reminisce of the brave and strong women who decided to sail against the current, were not afraid to raise their voice in the society that then blocked their way to realize their rights and their dreams …

For example, to ask how many women in the past could become doctors or specialists … to choose a profession that was then “reserved” for men and to build a brilliant career.

We took Sistina Ophthalmology as a good example in our country, because it is a hospital in which women are represented at almost 80% at all levels of the organization. They know how to show the courageous steps in their career advancement in the hospital, what every victory of their ladies in health is, which is just a confirmation that those inspirations for success find each other, they know that every day of the year belongs to them for the realization of the rights that that they possess and they know that everything is easier when they are united both as women and as an integral part of their large and successful team.

We asked the female doctors at Sistina Ophthalmology to share what were the biggest challenges in their profession.

These are the 5 inspiring female ophthalmologists who with their profession make this place definitely better for their patients.

Dr. Biljana Kostovska

Specialist ophthalmologist with areas of special interest: refractive surgery, vitreoretinal surgery, cataract surgery, eyelid plastic surgery.

”I always knew I was going to become a doctor, an ophthalmologist and a surgeon. The biggest challenge in this profession is the final outcome of the treatment. For me, it mostly depends on the relationship that we as a doctor will build with our patient. Every patient has a different lifestyle and different needs, but trust is the factor that creates positive energy and a pleasant atmosphere.

When the patient is relaxed and confident, everything happens faster and easier. A detailed medical history, expectations and wishes of the patient are key to treatment. Of no less importance is the doctor’s advice and the way in which the disease, the intervention and the postoperative course will be explained to them. Commitment to the problem, the reality of the expectations it has and their understanding are the three basic elements on which communication and the healing process should be based. Simply put, in the process of gaining trust, the more you give, the more you get in return.”

Dr. Mirjana Sazdovska

Specialist ophthalmologist with areas of special interest: diagnosis and treatment of retinal diseases, laser therapy, treatment and surgery of glaucoma, pediatric diagnosis.

”I always try to establish positive communication with patients through which they will understand the treatment process. Whatever the vision problem, it is large enough for the patient and worthy of full attention. Very often I have patients who have other systemic diseases that make it very difficult to treat vision problems, and because of that, they are more sensitive and vulnerable, and that is really a challenge in working as an ophthalmologist. Then I pay close attention to the way I tell them about the treatment options and the maximum expectations regarding the improvement of the vision.

I pay a lot of attention to accepting the condition as it is, and with continuous care and treatment, over time, we overcome it together. Despite my extensive experience, I am still challenged when I have an unusual and complicated diagnosis.”

Dr. Fanka Gilevska

Specialist ophthalmologist with areas of special interest: refractive surgery, diagnosis and treatment of keratoconus, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in people with diabetes, drug treatment of retinal diseases.

”My research work is also a challenge. It stems from the need to analyze and model work protocols, but also from my systematic approach to the patient. Research leads to results that are then used in everyday work and lead us forward.

Many diseases can be prevented before they begin to be treated. Each patient has their own ophthalmic story, with which they will come to my clinic. The road to healing is always different and we always go together. Educating patients, through conversations with them, can erase the stereotype that you only go to the doctor when you are sick. On the other hand, one should trust the doctor, that there will be no treatment or intervention at any cost. On the contrary, together with the patients we come to the ideal solution.”

Dr. Viktoria Fileva Fotevska

Specialist ophthalmologist with areas of special interest: pediatric diagnostics and surgery, treatment of strabismus in children and adults, refractive surgery.

”We are guardian angels of sight and being an ophthalmologist is really a huge challenge, but at the same time a pleasure. It is a profession that captivates and fills me positively every day. Especially because my patients are the youngest. The ophthalmological examination of the child is one of the most important examinations and is a necessary step for the proper development of vision. If the obstructions are not detected in time, the treatment results in the late stages are significantly worse.

Personalized medicine means an individual approach and unique for each patient. The most important thing for children is to experience the examination as fun and education. The trust and security of the child for me is the most important condition for a successful examination and diagnosis. All the success stories of happy patients and their smiling faces are a huge motivation and strength for me.”

Dr. Aleksandra Gocheva – Jerchikj

Specialist ophthalmologist with areas of special interest: refractive surgery, diagnosis of eye diseases, diagnosis and treatment of conditions in people with diabetes.

”Patients come with eye problems and doubt whether a solution to their condition will be found. Some of them are facing their diagnosis for the first time. It is necessary to explain in detail their condition, what treatment is provided for it and what the consequences are if not treated.

The approach to patients depends on what emotions they have. The most important thing is to overcome the fear and solve the dilemmas they have. This can only be achieved through open conversation in which positive emotions prevail. Despite all the challenges in the work, from the choice of treatment, agreement on it and finally as the biggest challenge, the monitoring of the patient’s condition after treatment, because, although it is the end, it is a very important part of the final positive outcome for the patient. Only with complete treatment do we have completed treatment or intervention.”