Информации за тековно работење во услови на Ковид - 19


Current promotions

Sistina Ophthalmology is the largest and only eye hospital in RN. Macedonia with 4 diagnostic centers: Bitola, Tetovo, Gostivar and Stip.

Keep up to date with our current promotions. Promotions may vary depending on the diagnostic center.

Current promotions:

Diagnostic center Skopje

For additional information and to make an appointment, contact us directly by phone:

Diagnostic center Bitola

For additional information and to make an appointment, contact us directly by phone:

Diagnostic center Kumanovo

For additional information and to make an appointment, contact us directly by phone:

Diagnostic center Tetovo

For additional information and to make an appointment, contact us directly by phone:

Diagnostic center Shtip

For additional information and to make an appointment, contact us directly by phone: