Информации за тековно работење во услови на Ковид - 19


Different spots often appear on the skin and some of them signal a possible internal problem. Xanthelasma is exactly such a change that is a sign of a possible disorder in the body.

Xanthelasma are fatty deposits on the skin of the eyelids that do not involve the deeper parts of the eyelids.


These are yellowish and slightly raised spots on the upper and lower eyelids. They start in the inner corner of the upper lid, tend to grow and merge, so they can symmetrically cover the lids of both eyes. They are different in size, reaching over 1 cm in length.

Xanthelasmas do not interfere with vision, do not cause pain, itching, tingling, discomfort. They are not malignant nor a danger, but they are a serious cosmetic defect.

  • Symptoms

How to recognize xanthelasma?

  • A flat, yellowish, irregularly shaped spot
  • It is soft to the touch and painless
  • The spots increase over time and appear in more places
  • They most often appear on the lower and upper lid of the eye


It appears more often in the female population. The yellow color is the result of local deposition of lipids and fatty products.

In some patients there are no differences in the values ​​of fatty substances in the blood, and in others the appearance of xanthelasma is directly related to high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. They are found in those who suffer from diabetes, pancreatitis, cirrhosis of the liver. Consumption of fatty foods and alcohol and excess body weight also have an impact.

Interestingly, even when lipid levels are normalized by treatment and diets in xanthelasma, no change occurs.

Note that as this lipid deposition occurs under the skin, it also accumulates, even in larger amounts, around the blood vessels, especially those to the heart and brain.


An ophthalmological examination is performed to examine the skin around the eye itself. At the examination itself, the ophthalmologist may ask you to do a blood test with a lipid level to see if the xanthelasma is caused by an increase in lipids.

Photos are also taken to monitor the result before and after the intervention.

During the examination itself, you talk to the ophthalmologist about the result you want to achieve from the intervention and how possible it is in your case, that is, what you can realistically expect.

Preoperative preparation

Preoperative preparation takes about 20 minutes. Patients with chronic diseases, depending on the therapy they are receiving, have special preparations that they are informed about on the day of scheduling the intervention.

The preparation begins with the nurse taking an anamnesis. Blood pressure and sugar are checked. Then, in consultation with the ophthalmologist, if necessary, additional diagnostic tests are performed.

After the patient is fully prepared, he is brought into the operating room.

Course of surgery

Correction of xanthelasma is a small intervention that takes about 20 minutes.

Local anesthesia (drops) is applied and the procedure begins with the excision of the skin change on the lids. After the intervention the wound is sutured.

During the intervention, the patient is conscious and talks to the ophthalmologist.

Postoperative care

The first  check up is the next day. You should rest for 3 to 4 days after the intervention. The next checkup is after 7 days, and then after one month.

In the meantime, the place of the intervention is treated with antibiotic ointment and drops, according to the ophthalmologist’s instructions. The wound heals without leaving a scar.


Restrictions after xanthelasma correction are temporary and do not last long and are always according to the surgeon’s recommendation.

The intervention site should not be touched or scratched. Sun exposure should be avoided, as should the use of products such as tanning products and perfumed lotions.

In the first 3 days after the intervention, washing the face with plain water and rubbing the eye should be avoided. It is especially important to use the prescribed therapy regularly and correctly.

The medical staff is available 24/7 for any consultation needed after the intervention.


The package includes: intervention with local anesthesia, and three controls.

It is possible to pay in installments without interest and additional costs.

You can check more about the payment method on the current price list of Sistina Ophthalmology.

Ophthalmic examination

Refraction, visual acuity measurement, eye pressure measurement – examination of anterior segment.


Correction of fatty deposits on the eyelids (xanthelasma)
