Информации за тековно работење во услови на Ковид - 19


Chalazion removal by surgery is used when the chalazion does not settle naturally.

Chalazion is inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the upper or lower eyelid. It appears in the form of a painful growth on the edges of the eyelid, which is created naturally and can last 7 to 10 days.


The cause of their occurrence is usually a bacterial infection. Chalazion can appear on the outside and is visible on the inside of the lid, which is most often seen when touched.

There are two types of chalazion:

  • Acute form
  • Chronic form of chalazion

Both types are inflammation of the sebaceous glands at the edge of the eyelids, which can appear as acute inflammation with redness, swelling and pain of the eyelid with purulent contents or as a chronic change with less pain and the characteristic growth that we call chalazion.

  • Causes

Touching or itching of the eyes is the most common way the bacteria is transmitted. Some factors that increase the risk of bacteria entering the eye include:

  • frequent itching of the eyes due to allergies;
  • inflammation of the eyelid (blepharitis);
  • using contaminated mascara or eye gel
  • sleeping with makeup
  • skin conditions, such as rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis;
  • some medical conditions, such as diabetes;
  • something that causes patients more likely to rub their eye, such as not getting enough sleep, etc.

Chalazion is not contagious, but the bacteria that cause it can be easily transmitted through infected makeup. Therefore, it is not recommended to use other people’s make-up, especially mascara or eyeliner.

  • Symptoms

Signs of chalazion are:

  • redness,
  • sensitivity,
  • swelling at the site where it will form;
  • swelling of the eyelid;
  • yellowish mucus;
  • photophobia (sensitivity to light), etc.

A tiny ball appears that is painful, red and visible to the eye or felt to the touch.


It can occur in people of all ages. It occurs equally in male and female populations, but is more common in people with diabetes.

It also appears in women as a consequence of not maintaining eyelid hygiene, i.e. not regularly removing makeup from the eyelids overnight.


Chalazion is usually soothed without treatment. However, in some cases it is advisable to have an examination by an ophthalmologist, if:

  • the chalazion does not settle after 10 days;
  • grows rapidly;
  • a lot of blood is shed from the growth;
  • grows rapidly;
  • the swelling is larger than normal chalazion.

The examination is a general ophthalmological examination where the eyelids and the chalazion itself are seen in detail. If our ophthalmologists decide that the chalazion needs to be removed, surgery is performed.

Preparation before treatment

There is no special preparation before the treatment itself.

Course of treatment

In the operating room, the patient is comfortably placed on a soft bed.

The nurse disinfects the skin around the eyes. The intervention lasts 5-10 minutes. The patient lies on the bed and is awake during the intervention and communicates with the ophthalmic surgeon.

The eyelid is anesthetized, so the procedure is completely painless and fast. In adults it is done under local anesthesia, while in children it is done under general anesthesia.

The chalazion is localized with a special instrument and an incision is made. Then it is drained, the capsule of the chalazion is removed and the blood is collected by compression.

The operation is performed on the inside of the eyelid, so that no scar remains.

The patient also receives written instructions on the limitations and postoperative care after the short intervention.

Postoperative care

Restrictions after the intervention are temporary and do not last long and are always in accordance with the recommendation of the ophthalmic surgeon.

After the intervention, a sterile swab is placed over the eye of the patient. The patient receives postoperative therapy which consists of drops or ointments and is explained how they are used.

Medical staff are available 24/7 for any consultation required after the intervention.


The patient should avoid dust, wind and staying in smoky rooms.

Immediately after the intervention, the patient should refrain from rubbing or itching the eye; showering or touching the place with water; swimming.

Patients should not wear contact lenses for one week after the intervention.

The area of the eye where the chalazion was located should heal in about 7 to 10 days. However, it is recommended that the patient avoids any activities for at least 2 weeks that could potentially injure the eye.

Contact your ophthalmologist if:

  • you have redness or swelling that does not go away for a long time;
  • you have a wound;
  • yellow discharge (bright, slightly bloody discharge is normal)
  • increased pain or pain that does not go away even with medication;
  • changes in vision other than temporary blurred vision;
  • increased temperature (38°C).


The package includes: intervention with local anesthesia / general anesthesia in children.

There is a possibility to pay in installments without interest and additional costs.

You can learn more about the payment method on the current price list of Sistina Ophthalmology.

Ophthalmological examination

Refraction, determination of visual acuity, measurement of intraocular pressure – examination of the anterior segment of the eye.


Removal of chalazion
