Информации за тековно работење во услови на Ковид - 19


With laser diopter correction the patient removes the need of diopters and eye aids.

Diopter is a refractive anomaly of the eye that is unable to clear the image. People with diopters can be short-sighted and far-sighted.

You are short-sighted if you see objects clearly in the immediate vicinity, and all distant objects are blurred. Foresight is when objects in close proximity are blurry or difficult to read.


Laser diopter correction is the most popular diopter correction method used in the world for more than 30 years and more than 40 million interventions have been performed worldwide.

It is one of the most modern interventions today for laser remodeling of the cornea (anterior transparent surface of the eye) to remove or reduce diopter / cylinder.

Today, there are several methods of laser diopter correction and the basic division is based on which part of the cornea it is performed (corneal area – PRK; middle of the cornea – LASIK).


Laser diopter correction corrects / removes ‒10 to +6 and ± 6 astigmatism (cylinder). The age limit is 18 to 40 years and a minimum diopter of at least one year.

In some cases, higher diopters can be removed. In patients who have higher diopters and are not candidates for laser diopter correction, there is a solution for removing diopters by implanting the most sophisticated lenses in the eyes, the results of which are equally good, and in some cases even better than laser diopter correction.

The phakic lenses correct diopters above -10 and +6, i.e. high diopters.


The laser diopter correction examination is a kind of systematic examination of the eye because it analyzes every part of the eye and is also a guarantee for the success of the intervention. This examination can be done by patients who want only a detailed examination of the condition of the eye and vision without going through laser diopter correction.

The examination lasts from an hour to an hour and a half and consists of:

  • Completing a questionnaire about the patient’s general health;
  • Mandatory reading of general information about laser intervention;
  • Checking diopters, visual acuity and intraocular pressure;
  • Pentacam imaging (3D analysis of the eye is performed and it is used to detect certain abnormalities of the eye for which no symptoms have appeared yet);
  • Dilation of the pupils with drops for checking the fundus and objective diopters;
  • Consulting the team about anything that might be of interest to the patient.

Preparations for the examination are started by a nurse. The examination continues with the ophthalmologist and the optometrist.

Prior to the examination, it is very important for the patient to rest from wearing contact lenses for a period of time in order to “rest” the cornea of ​​the eye from the lenses. To manifest the real cylinder, i.e. the shape of the cornea without the pressure from the lens.

If the patient wears soft contact lenses, it is necessary to rest for a minimum of three days. If the patient wears semi-hard or hard contact lenses then they need to rest from them for a minimum of 7 to 14 days before the examination. In the meantime they can wear glasses.

Preoperative preparation

Preoperative preparation takes about 20 minutes. During this period, the condition of the patient’s vision and eye is re-checked.

The ophthalmologist again explains the steps of the intervention. After confirming that everything is in order and the patient still wants to do the laser diopter correction, anesthetic drops are instilled and they enter the operating room.

Course of operation / intervention

The intervention itself lasts only 5 minutes on each eye. It is completely painless – local anesthesia is applied in the form of drops and the patient does not feel pain. The patient is awake and communicates with the ophthalmologist and follows their directions.

A brace is placed on the eye – this procedure is painless, but maybe a little uncomfortable. It serves to keep the eyelids. The patient has a feeling of blinking, although they do not do so because of the holder.

A flap is then created in the cornea of the eye where the diopter is removed with laser. Once the diopter is removed, the flap returns to its normal position. This procedure is completely painless.

With today’s lasers, a diopter is removed in less than 2 seconds. The patient’s eye tracking system during the operation (tracker) enables precise delivery of the laser beams to a precise place, regardless of the micro-movements of the patient’s eye while the laser is operating.

Laser diopter correction in Sistina Ophthalmology is a routine procedure performed in accordance with the protocols and standards of worldwide ophthalmology. The experienced surgical team, as for all other interventions, is a guarantee of success in the treatment of the patient’s eyes.

Postoperative care

The period of adaptation or postoperative care is from 3 to 7 days.

The following day is the first mandatory examination, and the next examination is after a few days based on the assessment of the patient’s ophthalmologist. These examinations are used to monitor the stabilization (adaptation) of the patient’s vision and the healing of the corneal flap.

Normal reactions immediately after the intervention are slightly blurred vision, tingling, a feeling of sand and itching. These symptoms disappear in a short period of time and the drops that the patient applies help to moisturize the eye and reduce the aforementioned symptoms.


Restrictions after the intervention are temporary and do not last long and are always in accordance with the recommendation of the ophthalmologist. The patient’s profession and lifestyle are very important.

Sports activities are usually allowed after the second week, and wearing make-up after the third.
Medical staff are available 24/7 for any consultation required after the intervention.


The package includes: intervention with local anesthesia, two follow-ups within first 2 months of operation.

There is an opportunity to pay in installments without interest and additional costs.

You can check more about the payment method on the current price list of Sistina Ophthalmology.

Examination for laser vision correction

Refraction, visual acuity measurement, eye pressure measurement, evaluation of posterior segment, corneal analysis with pentacam.



Detailed corneal analysis.


Follow-up after laser surgery

Examination after three months of laser vision surgery


Laser vision correction – PRK

Price for one eye.


Laser vision correction – LASIK

Price for one eye.
